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Students: RCSI Library Access

RCSI Online Library

How to access RCSI Online Library?

If you are a registered student with RCSI Dublin then you have access to the RCSI Online Library.

As a registered student with RCSI Dublin you should have an active username and password. If you have forgotten your password can reset it at

In order to access the RCSI Online Library you must download the Microsoft Multifactor Authenticator on your personal mobile to reset passwords.

If you have any trouble with your access to the Online Library please send an email to RUMC ICT help desk at and cc the

How to search the RCSI Online Library?

Use any search engine to find the RCSI Library website

Click and sign in to:

The sign-in page will take you to the O365 page.

Your login for online Library resources is your RCSI network username and password. Your username is your RCSI email prefix eg: Your password is your network password. If you don't know your or have forgotten your RCSI network details contact RUMC IT helpdesk or

Databases: RCSI Library



Medline is the U.S. National Library of Medicine bibliographic database. It contains comprehensive coverage of information on medicine, clinical psychology,Health care system, pre-clinical sciences and much more

Clinical Summaries


UpToDate is an evidence-based clinical decision support resource at the point of care

Journal Collections


The resource provides full text access to over 2,500 journals and 145 books in all disciplines published by Elsevier Science. ScienceDirect also includes a significant number of Open Access content.


LWW provides essential information for healthcare students and professionals, in their particular fields of research, be it oncology, internal medicine, radiology or nursing research.